(10) Turn dowel bk and bottom layers back on. Deselect the hourglass shape and using the freehand selection tool and gradually select sections of the sand that you don't want showing (clear glass to show through). (The image here is 100% for better visibility). |
(11) Now go to edit/cut to clear these areas. Then deselect all. |
(12) Deselect these areas. To get rid of any sand pixels outside the glass shape reload the glass selection, go to the sand layer and turn other layers off. Use selections/modify/contract by 1 or 2 pixels, invert it and then use edit cut. Turn the glass, dowel bk and bottom layers back on to make sure it is to your satifaction. |
(13) If you would like to put some shading on your sand...go back to just the sand area, select portions of the top and bottom globes with the freehand tool. Then use colors/adjust/brightness-contrast/ with these settings...brightness -70, contrast 40. You can play with these settings until you get the shading you like. *smile* |